*Convergence* *of* *cultures* is an organism that is the part of the *Humanist* *Movement* . The HM started on 4th Mayof l969. The HM is based on the current of thought known as Universal Humanism. This current can be found expressed in Silo’s work and in those of the diverse authors who are inspired by it. This current of thought, which also implies a sentiment and away of life, takes in multiple fields of human endeavor, giving rise to diverse organisms and action fronts. All of them are applied to their specific feilds of activity with a common aim: to Humanize the Earth, thereby contributing to increased liberty and happiness in human beings. In themselves they have in common the methodology of active nonviolence and the proposal for personal change as a function of social transformation.
*Universal* *Humanism*
.universal humanism. is characterized by an emphasis on the humanist attitude. The humanist attitude is not a philosophy but a point of view, a sensibility and away of living in relationship with other human beings. Universal Humanism maintains that in all cultures in their most creative moments, the humanist attitude pervades in social environment, in such periods, discrimination, war and violence in general are repudiated. Freedom of ideas and beliefs is fomented which in turn provides incentives for research and creativity in science, art and other social expressions. Universal Humanism proposes a dialogue between cultures that is neither abstract nor institutional, but rather angreement on fundamental points and a mutual and Concrete collaboration between representatives of different cultures based on their respective and symmetrical humanist moments.
In present day Society coexistence between different cultures is a daily fact. But the extraordinary thing in this historical moment is that it is a monent of planetarization in which all cultures mutually approach and influence each other as never before. It is important to distinguish between this process of growing planetarization and globalization. widely spoken of globalization is nothing more than the traditional behaviour launched by imperial centeres as has occured repeatedly in history. These empires are established, and they develop making other peoples revolve around their imposed languages, their customs, clothing, food and their codes. Finally, these Imperialist structures end up generating violence and chaos as a product of their naive abuse and cultural confrontation. Today what is needed is the creation of ambits than can rescue every cultures Ideas, beliefs and humanist attitudes, which beyond their differences, is found in the heart of different peoples and individuals.
In general terms convergence of cultures proposes to facilitate and stimulate dialogue between cultures, to fight against *discrimination* and violence and to bring its proposals to all Latitudes1 Comment-
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Humanist Centre Dahisar and Borivili

Rekha Giri

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Parks of Study and Reflections, Narhi

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