Convergence Of Cultures changed their profile picture
“No Human Being is born violent, violence is not a destiny, it is an intention. The opposite intention is possible.
The Methodology of Non-violence is the only valid way to banish violence in the World.”
In 2007 the General Assembly of The United Nations (UN) established 2 October, day of Mahatma Gandhi´s birth, as the “International Day of Non…Read More1 Comment -
*Convergence* *of* *cultures* is an organism that is the part of the *Humanist* *Movement* . The HM started on 4th Mayof l969. The HM is based on the current of thought known as Universal Humanism. This current can be found expressed in Silo’s work and in those of the diverse authors who are inspired by it. This current of thought, which also…Read More
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Convergence Of Cultures joined the group
Humanist Environment
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Convergence Of Cultures
I am very happy to know about your activities.