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    Silo's Message

    3 years, 7 months ago

    Reporter: What is the Hope of Silo?
    Silo: I aspire, a strong reaction to the new generations on this poor planet we are living on.
    I believe it’s the new generations who have to help us, more than what we have to help the new generations.
    I think they need to help us think new way and feel new way.
    I think to some extent we are not in condition to do that.
    We need help from the new generations.
    For that we have to open the doors and worry about what they are feeling and keep it in mind very seriously for the first time.
    Don’t be chasing them because they’re young or because they do not participate in politics in the way we want them to participate
    or because they’re worried about having a motorcycle.
    I think we need to change our eyes regarding the new generations.

    Excerpt from Silo Interview with journalists from Different Media Meeting in Palatrussardi
    Milan, Italy 1992-October 03

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Silo's Message


Silo's Message is the expression of a spirituality that is personal, but also social. And with the passage of time, the truth of this spirituality is being confirmed in experience, as it continues to manifest in different cultures, nationalities, and social and generational strata.

A truth of this kind has no need for dogmas or fixed forms of organization for its functioning and development. For that reason, "Messengers" -- those who feel the Message and bring it to others -- emphasize the need not to accept any coercion concerning the freedom of ideas and beliefs, and to treat all human beings in the same way they would like to be treated.

At the same time, because they value interpersonal and social relations so highly, Messengers work against all forms of discrimination, inequality, and injustice.

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