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    Silo's Message

    3 years, 7 months ago

    It can be said that the Force is the vital energy of the body, that acts in permanent dynamic. The Force puts in motion the different functions. From the Force derive the actions, the emotions, the ideas and the perception of a superior reality. This energy is capable of exteriorising itself from the body, producing phenomena of action upon the physical world, as when it acts upon the body itself when animating it. When death occurs, the Force fades away or goes on with its development outside the body in levels each time more superior until it configures an entity equally superior. Its disappearance by disintegration or its continuity by concentration depends upon the accumulation of contradictory or unitive acts that the human being realizes throughout his life. We can relate the Force with what has been called "soul" in religions. The Force which is able to concentrate itself and transcend in an evolutionary direction can be related with what has been called "the spirit" by religions . The double, is nothing but the externalized force during life or after death, in the measure in which it receives and produces effects in the everyday world, although with its own particular mechanics and generally modifying the accepted characteristics of time and space. The inner light, is the experience produced when the Force concentrates in some zone of the human brain, giving it energy and making it work in a higher level than its mechanical consciousness. It appears too, as experience, in the moment of death if its level of concentration is adequate. The Luminous Centre is referred to some point of the nervous system (difficult to define) that is acted upon by the Force, and also to an external phenomena from which all the Force of the living being comes and towards which the double is orientated if it has achieved unity at the moment of death.

    Silo - From the European Seminars 1980, day 1


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Silo's Message


Silo's Message is the expression of a spirituality that is personal, but also social. And with the passage of time, the truth of this spirituality is being confirmed in experience, as it continues to manifest in different cultures, nationalities, and social and generational strata.

A truth of this kind has no need for dogmas or fixed forms of organization for its functioning and development. For that reason, "Messengers" -- those who feel the Message and bring it to others -- emphasize the need not to accept any coercion concerning the freedom of ideas and beliefs, and to treat all human beings in the same way they would like to be treated.

At the same time, because they value interpersonal and social relations so highly, Messengers work against all forms of discrimination, inequality, and injustice.

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